Opening Reception

Deborah Baronas
Dropcloths: Tales of a Process
Centering: Clay and Community

January 19—March 16, 2024
Opening Reception: Friday, January 19, 5:30-7:30 
JAC Ceramics Artist in Residency Program curated by
Jonathan Baylor and Melinda Katherine Frederick


Deborah Baronas grew up on a New England farm and came of age as a designer in the textile industry. These working cultures have influenced her artistic investigations into the history of the American worker. Textiles are Baronas’ primary medium. In site-specific installations she creates interactive environments with scrims, paintings, drawings, video, music and photography. She draws inspiration through interviews, site visits, historical research and archival photographs. Baronas graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design and worked in the textile industry in the US and Europe for many years. She has exhibited her work at the Newport Art Museum, American Textile History Museum, Fuller Craft Museum, among many other New England venues. She has been the recipient of grants from RISCA and RICH and recently received a commission for a permanent installation in the new RI Veterans Home. Her art and design business is in Warren, Rhode Island.


Ceramic Artist Residency Program (CARP) is intended to foster meaningful and intentional art making among participants while providing a supportive environment in which they can learn, evolve, and grow as makers. It includes optional participation in specialized workshops, community gatherings to share and discuss works in progress, and potential exhibition opportunities. Our goal is to provide access to the JAC Ceramics Studio by more members of our artist community while elevating the enrichment, engagement, and educational experiences of all.


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